
Linux: Excluding directories when using zip

If you are using zip and find yourself needing to exclude a directory (.git, build, etc), the “-x” exclude switch can provide that functionality.  Take the following directory structure: $ find . . ./two.txt ./skipme ./skipme/three.txt ./one.txt You can exclude the entire ‘skipme’ folder and everything in it with: zip -r * -x skipme/*

Spring: Spring Boot with SLF4J/Logback sending to syslog

The Spring framework provides a proven and well documented model for the development of custom projects and services. The Spring Boot project takes an opinionated view of building production Spring applications, which favors convention over configuration. In this article we will explore how to configure a Spring Boot project to use the Simple Logging Facade Spring: Spring Boot with SLF4J/Logback sending to syslog

Ubuntu: Using strace to get a view into file and network activity of a process

strace is a handy utility for tracing system, file, and network calls on a Linux system.  It can produce trace output for either an already running process, or it can create a new process. Some of the most common troubleshooting scenarios are needing to isolate either the network or file system activity of a process.  Ubuntu: Using strace to get a view into file and network activity of a process