Bash: batch renaming files using the rename utility

If you need to batch rename a set of files, the ‘rename‘ utility is much easier than alternatives such as pairing find/exec or even putting together a small script.

The rename utility gives you all the power of Perl regular expressions for converting the filenames.

# make sure utility is installed
$ sudo apt install rename -y

# set of files
$ touch a-10.txt b-10.txt c-10.txt

$ rename -v 's/10/99/' *.txt
a-10.txt renamed as a-99.txt
b-10.txt renamed as b-99.txt
c-10.txt renamed as c-99.txt

If you wanted to remove the  numbering altogether:

$ rename -v 's/-99//' *.txt
a-99.txt renamed as a.txt
b-99.txt renamed as b.txt
c-99.txt renamed as c.txt

An example of replacing the extension:

$ rename -v 'y/\.txt/\.doc/' *.txt
a-10.txt renamed as a-10.doc
b-10.txt renamed as b-10.doc
c-10.txt renamed as c-10.doc


rename documentation, how to rename files


translating to uppercase

$ rename -v 'y/[a-z]/[A-Z]/' *.txt
a.txt renamed as A.TXT
b.txt renamed as B.TXT
c.txt renamed as C.TXT

doing rename of git controlled files using parameter expansion

for i in *.txt; do echo git mv $i ${i/10/99}; done