
Kubernetes: microk8s cluster on Ubuntu using terraform and libvirt

microk8s is a lightweight Kubernetes deployment by Canonical that is enterprise-grade, yet also compact enough to run on development boxes and edge devices. In this article, I will show you how to deploy a  three-node microk8s cluster on Ubuntu nodes that are created using Terraform and a local KVM libvirt provider. This article focuses on Kubernetes: microk8s cluster on Ubuntu using terraform and libvirt

KVM: installing Terraform and the libvirt provider for local KVM resources

Terraform is a popular tool for provisioning infrastructure on cloud providers such as EC2 and Azure, but there is also a provider written for local KVM libvirt resources. Using the libvirt provider, we can use standard Terraform constructs to create local VMs, networks, and disks.  And unlike older versions of this provider, the plugin binary KVM: installing Terraform and the libvirt provider for local KVM resources

KVM: creating and reverting libvirt external snapshots

Update July 2021: I have seen errors with external snapshots of volumes on versions of QEMU/KVM/libvirt from Ubuntu 20 Focal.  Adding note on using internal snapshot on volume backed by qcow2.   Internal snapshots created on QEMU copy-on-write (qcow2) disks are the most commonly used snapshot when using libvirt.  It is easy to see why; KVM: creating and reverting libvirt external snapshots

KVM: Terraform and cloud-init to create local KVM resources

Terraform is a popular tool for provisioning infrastructure on cloud provider such as EC2 and Azure, but there is also a provider written for local KVM libvirt resources. Using the libvirt provider, we can use standard Terraform constructs to create local VMs, networks, and disks.

KVM: Creating a bridged network with NetPlan on Ubuntu 18.04 bionic

UPDATE September 2022: New article for bridged networks written for Ubuntu 22.04 In order to expose KVM virtual machines on the same network as your Host, you need to enable bridged networking. In this article, I’ll show how to implement KVM bridged networking on Ubuntu 18.04 bionic using Netplan.  This bridged network will expose the KVM: Creating a bridged network with NetPlan on Ubuntu 18.04 bionic