
Kubernetes: implementing and testing a HorizontalPodAutoscaler

HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) allow you to dynamically scale the replica count of your Deployment based on criteria such as memory or CPU utilization, which make it great way to manage spikes in utilization while still keeping your cluster size and infrastructure costs managed effectively. In order for HPA to evaluate CPU and memory utilization and take Kubernetes: implementing and testing a HorizontalPodAutoscaler

GCP: Cloud Function to handle requests to HTTPS LB during maintenance

At some point you may need to schedule a maintenance window for your solution  But that doesn’t mean the end-user traffic or client integrations will stop requesting the services from the GCP external HTTPS LB that fronts all client requests. The VM instances and GKE clusters that normally respond to requests may not be able GCP: Cloud Function to handle requests to HTTPS LB during maintenance

PuTTy: Bulk import PuTTy session definitions into the registry using Powershell

Putty is one of the first tools I install on any host or jumpbox.  And creating a saved session definition is extremely helpful so I can get the right window size, scrollback, keep alives, color scheme, etc. but creating each session definition by hand is time consuming. In this article, I will show you how PuTTy: Bulk import PuTTy session definitions into the registry using Powershell

Java: Loading self-signed, CA, and SAN certificates into a Java Keystore

The JRE comes preloaded with a set of trusted root authorities, but if you are working with self-signed certificates, or SAN server certificates that were signed using your own Certificate Authority then you are going to need to add these certificates to your trusted keystore. If your Java application attempts to communicate via TLS to Java: Loading self-signed, CA, and SAN certificates into a Java Keystore

ELK: Architectural points of extension and scalability for the ELK stack

The ELK stack (ElasticSearch-Logstash-Kibana), is a horizontally scalable solution with multiple tiers and points of extension and scalability. Because so many companies have adopted the platform and tuned it for their specific use cases, it would be impossible to enumerate all the novel ways in which scalability and availability had been enhanced by load balancers, ELK: Architectural points of extension and scalability for the ELK stack