
Vault: HashiCorp Vault deployed into Kubernetes cluster for secret management

HashiCorp Vault is a secret and encryption management system that allows your organization to secure sensitive information such as API keys, certificates, and passwords. It has tight integrations with Kubernetes that allows containers to fetch secrets without requiring hardcoding them into environment variables, files, or external services. The official docs already provide usage scenarios, so Vault: HashiCorp Vault deployed into Kubernetes cluster for secret management

GoLang: Go modules for package management during a multi-stage Docker build

My previous article on multi-stage builds to create  Docker images for Go laid the foundation for using an intermediate image as the builder your Go binary.  However, this example was intentionally simplistic and did not address package and dependency management. Since the release of Go 1.11, the standard tooling has natively supported the concept of GoLang: Go modules for package management during a multi-stage Docker build

Ansible: Installing Ansible on Ubuntu 16.04

Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool that helps operations teams manage installation, patching, and command execution across a set of servers. In this article I’ll describe how to deploy the latest release of Ansible using pip on Ubuntu 16.04, and then perform a quick validation against a client.

Ansible: Managing a Windows host using Ansible

Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool that helps operations teams manage installation, patching, and command execution across a set of servers. Ansible was started as a Linux only solution, leveraging ssh to provide a management channel to a target server.  However, starting at Ansible 1.7, support for Windows hosts was added by using Powershell Ansible: Managing a Windows host using Ansible

Ansible: Installing Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04

Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool that helps operations teams manage installation, patching, and command execution across a set of servers. In this article I’ll describe how to deploy the latest release of Ansible using pip on Ubuntu 14.04, and then perform a quick validation against a client.

EMC OnDemand: Federated Identity Management and Silent SSO

Identity Management for On-Premise Applications Our industry today has some very proven technologies for providing a single set of login credentials to applications installed on-premise.  Most commonly, companies use a central Identity Management system (e.g. Microsoft Active Directory/Oracle Internet Directory/IBM Tivoli), and these systems implement an LDAP interface that 3rd party applications can call to EMC OnDemand: Federated Identity Management and Silent SSO