GCP: Enable Anthos Config Management (ACM) on a GKE cluster

Anthos Config Management (ACM) brings the power of GitOps to your GKE clusters.

Instead of needing to manually keep deployments current on a cluster or group of clusters, you can push changes to a git repository and the Config Sync component will periodically poll and attempt to reach the new state described by your git commit.

This allows you to administer a cluster from a central location, saving time and guaranteeing consistency.  Additionally, you get the benefits of GitOps such as code review, audit, and rollback.


To complete this article you need a standard GKE cluster, valid KUBECONFIG environment variable, and the gsutil and kubectl binary installed.

Then download the nomos utility, which is used to check the status of Config Sync.

# make sure auth is done via gcloud
gcloud auth login

# download nomos binary
gsutil cp gs://config-management-release/released/latest/linux_amd64/nomos nomos

# move to common location
sudo mv nomos /usr/local/bin/.
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nomos

# validate
nomos version

Prepare cluster

In order to participate in ACM, you need to register the cluster and enable workload identity which is the recommended method of authentication for the Config Sync component.

Setup variables

# check your current permissions, must respond 'yes'
kubectl auth can-i '*' '*' --all-namespaces

# get cluster list and region
gcloud container clusters list

# set variables
project_id=$(gcloud config get-value project)
# set either 'region' or 'zone'
location_flag="--region <theregion>"

# get nodepool list
gcloud container node-pools list --cluster $cluster_name $location_flag

# set variable

Enable relevant Google API

# enable API services
gcloud services enable anthos.googleapis.com container.googleapis.com gkeconnect.googleapis.com gkehub.googleapis.com cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com iam.googleapis.com krmapihosting.googleapis.com

# enable config management feature
gcloud beta container hub config-management enable

Enable workload identity

You cannot register the GKE cluster if workload identity is not enabled on the cluster.

# needs to return <projectId>.svc.id.goog
gcloud container clusters describe $cluster_name --format="value(workloadIdentityConfig.workloadPool)" $location_flag

# IF workload identity is empty, then enable
# operation takes ~5-20 minutes
gcloud container clusters update $cluster_name $location_flag --workload-pool=${project_id}.svc.id.goog

# IF workload identity was empty, nodepool also needs update
# this does rolling rebuild of each node
# takes ~5min per node depending on max-surge and max-unavailable
gcloud container node-pools update $nodepool_name --cluster=$cluster_name $location_flag --workload-metadata=GKE_METADATA

Register cluster

With workload identity enabled, you can now register the cluster.

# list of clusters already registered
gcloud container hub memberships list

# register cluster
KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig-membership gcloud container hub memberships register $cluster_name --gke-cluster=$cluster_location/$cluster_name --enable-workload-identity

Egress for private GKE clusters

If you are on a private GKE cluster, then you need to either enable Cloud NAT to enable egress or enable Private Google Access as described in the official documentation.

public github.com repository for ACM

This ACM enabled GKE cluster will have Config Sync poll my public gke-acm-kustomize-public repo for changes.

This repo uses the kustomize overlay system to generate deployments. If you need a walk-through of kustomize and its overlay system, see my previous article on kustomize.  The repository has two base yaml deployments:

  • reloader looks for configmap changes and does rolling restart of a deployment if a change event occurs
  • nginx-index-html delivers a custom index.html page based on configmap content

From these bases, we generate the following kustomize overlay:

Private git repository requiring authentication

This entire section is not necessary if you are accessing a public git repository (like this article), BUT if the ACM git repo requires credentials then you will need to create a secret named ‘git-creds’ in the ‘config-management-system’ namespace.

Complete details on the use of ssh keys and personal access tokens for the major git providers is described in the official docs, but for our purposes here I will use an ssh key for a private github.com repository.

Create ssh key

git_id=$(git config user.email)
echo "git_id = $git_id"

# creates public private pair
# /tmp/acm and /tmp/acm.pub
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "$git_id" -N '' -f /tmp/acm

Load private key into Kubernetes secret

kubectl create ns config-management-system
kubectl create secret generic git-creds --namespace=config-management-system --from-file=ssh=/tmp/acm

Load public key into github deploy keys

The public side of the ssh pair  needs to be added to the github private repository.  After navigating to the private repository, select Settings>Deploy keys as shown below.

Use “acm” as the title and paste in the contents of “/tmp/acm.pub” into the textbox, then press “Add Key”.  Now it has become a valid authentication method to this private repository via ssh.

Configure Cloud Sync using gcloud

As described in the documentation, we need to tailor a yaml file that describes our ConfigSync settings that can be applied via gcloud (not kubectl!).

# apply-spec.yaml
applySpecVersion: 1
    enabled: true
    sourceFormat: unstructured
    # if private repo using ssh key
    #syncRepo: git@github.com:fabianlee/gke-acm-kustomize-private.git
    #secretType: ssh 
    # if public repo with no auth
    syncRepo: https://github.com/fabianlee/gke-acm-kustomize-public.git
    secretType: none
    syncBranch: main
    # 300 seconds between polls
    syncWait: 300
    policyDir: overlays/nginx-index-with-reloader
    preventDrift: false

Notice the policyDir attribute is set to the kustomize overlay directory ‘overlays/nginx-index-with-reloader‘.

You can validate that ACM is not configured for the cluster yet.

# nomos will report ACM is not installed yet
$ nomos status
Connecting to clusters...

NOT INSTALLED The ACM operator is neither installed in the "kube-system" namespace nor the "config-management-system" namespace

# kubectl will not find root-sync object yet
$ kubectl get rootsyncs.configsync.gke.io -n config-management-system root-sync -o yaml
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "rootsyncs"

Run the ‘gcloud container hub’ command to apply the yaml configuration.

# view membership names, expect match with cluster name
gcloud container hub memberships list

# apply configuration 
gcloud beta container hub config-management apply --membership=$cluster_name --config=apply-spec.yaml --project=$project_id

The supporting objects will now begin to be created.

# details from yaml can now be found in this configmap
$ kubectl describe configmap reconciler-manager-cm -n config-management-system

# wait for deployments to become healthy
$ kubectl get deployments -n config-management-system

config-management-operator 1/1 1 1 7m1s
reconciler-manager 1/1 1 1 6m50s
root-reconciler 1/1 1 1 5m51s

# wait for root-reconciler to be ready
kubectl wait deployment -n config-management-system root-reconciler --for condition=Available=True

# should not see errors in reconciler log
kubectl logs deployment/root-reconciler -n config-management-system -c git-sync | tail -n10

# rootsync object now populated
kubectl get rootsyncs.configsync.gke.io -n config-management-system root-sync -o yaml

Validate ACM management

The nomos utility will show status as ‘PENDING’ or ‘Unknown’ until reconciliation happens at which point the status will change to ‘Current’ as shown below.

$ nomos status
Connecting to clusters...

  :root-sync   https://github.com/fabianlee/gke-acm-kustomize-public.git/overlays/nginx-index-with-reloader@main   
  SYNCED             eb38685f2a2e735a920a774106eb8cd495cdd049                                                         
  Managed resources:
     NAMESPACE              NAME                                                                          STATUS    SOURCEHASH
                            clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/reloader-reloader-role                  Current   eb38685
                            clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/reloader-reloader-role-binding   Current   eb38685
                            namespace/nginx-index-reloader                                                Current   eb38685
                            namespace/reloader                                                            Current   eb38685
     nginx-index-reloader   configmap/nginx-cm                                                            Current   eb38685
     nginx-index-reloader   deployment.apps/nginx-deployment                                              Current   eb38685
     nginx-index-reloader   service/nginx-service                                                         Current   eb38685
     reloader               deployment.apps/reloader-reloader                                             Current   eb38685
     reloader               serviceaccount/reloader-reloader                                              Current   eb38685

After the ACM reconciliation and creation of the ‘reload’ component and customized nginx deployment, we now have two namespaces under ACM management.

# show namespaces controlled by ACM
$ kubectl get ns -l app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=configmanagement.gke.io

nginx-index-reloader Active 19m
reloader             Active 37m

And a curl from inside the customize NGINX deployment will show us the content of the custompub configmap from cm-index.html.

$ kubectl exec -it -n nginx-index-reloader deployment/nginx-deployment -- curl http://localhost

<h1>nginx-index-html enhanced with reloader</h1>

Validate ACM change

With proof that ACM is now managing the NGINX overlay deployment, let’s take it a step further and prove that a push to the git repository will get reflected in the cluster.

In order to commit your own changes, you will need to first create a personal fork using the github.com web UI.  And then be sure to reapply the apply-spec.yaml with your personal fork in the ‘syncRepo’ attribute.

# clone git repo and make change
# create your own personal fork to make changes
git clone https://github.com/fabianlee/gke-acm-kustomize-public.git
cd gke-acm-kustomize-public

# change into the overlays directory
cd overlays/nginx-index-with-reloader/nginx-index

# add 'testing123' to the delivered content
sed -i 's/reloader/reloader testing123/' cm-index.html

# commit and push change
git commit -a -m "changed configmap with index.html content"
git push

# get latest commit hash
latest_git_hash=$(git log --format=format:%H -n1)
echo "latest_git_hash = $latest_git_hash"

# view reconciler logs based on git hash
kubectl logs deployment/root-reconciler -n config-management-system -c git-sync | grep f1dbb6bfe974cfc79b3dc2501afa106ed28e0865

# check for nomos status changing from "PENDING" to 'Current'
nomos status

# check content again, 'testing123' added to index.html
$ kubectl exec -it -n nginx-index-reloader deployment/nginx-deployment -- curl http://localhost

<h1>nginx-index-html enhanced with reloader testing123</h1>




google ref, ACM installation

acm-workshop, walk through tutorial

google ref, ACM configuring only a subset of clusters

google ref, troubleshooting ACM

google ref, uninstalling ACM

stakater/Reloader github project

github fabianlee, gke-acm-kustomize-public used for ACM

Johannes Glenn, ACM for GKE clusters

google ref, ACM enablement with Terraform

Mike Sparr, ArgoCD as git pipeline

google ref, configure k8s with kustomize

stakater Reloader, watches for changes in configmap/secrets and reloads

google ref, nomos command

google ref, nomos download

google ref, all supported fields for apply-spec.yaml

google ref, enable workload identity on GKE cluster

google ref, prereq for registering a cluster

google ref, registering cluster using workload identity as auth

google ref, updating nodepool settings like max-surge-upgrade and max-unavailable-upgrade to speed up nodepool rebuilds

Anchit Nishant, GKE and ACM walkthrough


View rootstync config

kubectl -n config-management-system get rootsync root-sync -o=jsonpath="{.spec}" | jq .

Creating git-creds secret for git credentials with user and password/PAT

kubectl delete secret git-creds --namespace=config-management-system
kubectl create secret generic git-creds --namespace=config-management-system --from-literal=username=mygituser --from-literal=token=myGitP4ss

kubectl rollout restart deployment root-reconciler -n config-management-system
kubectl get deployment -n config-management-system root-reconciler
kubectl wait deployment -n config-management-system root-reconciler --for condition=Available=True --timeout=90s
kubectl logs -f deployment/root-reconciler -n config-management-system -c git-sync

getting gsutil to use gcloud credentials [link]

# first, having IPv6 enabled can cause gsutil to hang, make sure /etc/sysctl.conf is loaded
sudo sysctl -p

# to pass on gcloud credentials
gcloud config set pass_credentials_to_gsutil true

# to use browser auth
gsutil config -b

install and use github CLI tool [install, fork, deploy-key, rename, repo delete]

# install using apt
curl -fsSL https://cli.github.com/packages/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg | sudo dd of=/usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg] https://cli.github.com/packages stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list > /dev/null
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gh

# create credentials for 'gh'
gh auth login

# create personal fork of another project
gh repo fork https://github.com/macagua/example.java.helloworld
gh repo fork git@github.com:macagua/example.java.helloworld.git
cd example.java.helloworld/
git remote -v

# create public private ssh keypair
git_id=$(git config user.email)
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "$git_id" -N '' -f testkey

# upload public side of ssh key to repo
gh repo deploy-key add testkey.pub

# rename repo, then local directory to match
gh repo rename example.java.helloworld-private
cd ..
mv example.java.helloworld example.java.helloworld-private
cd example.java.helloworld-private

# delete key from repo
gh repo deploy-key list
key_id=(gh repo deploy-key list | cut -f1)
gh repo deploy-key delete $key_id

# delete repo, first give auth scope to do deletions
gh auth refresh -h github.com -s delete_repo
gh repo delete 

cd ..
rm -fr example.java.helloworld-private

View all objects under ConfigSync control

kubectl api-resources | grep -E "configmanagement.gke.io|configsync.gke.io"

Stop ACM sync, docs link

kubectl scale -n $OPERATOR_NAMESPACE deployment config-management-operator --replicas=0 \
&& kubectl wait -n $OPERATOR_NAMESPACE --for=delete pods -l k8s-app=config-management-operator \
&& kubectl scale -n config-management-system deployment --replicas=0 --all \
&& kubectl wait -n config-management-system --for=delete pods --all

Resume ACM sync, docs link

kubectl -n $OPERATOR_NAMESPACE scale deployment config-management-operator --replicas=1