GCP: Private GKE Cluster with Anthos Service Mesh exposing services

As opposed to public GKE clusters which have their IP addresses exposed, private GKE clusters use private internal IP addresses.  This provides an enhanced security stance, but also means we need a solution such as Anthos Service Mesh to explicitly expose our services.

In our previous article, we built a private GKE cluster using Terraform.  In this article, we will extend that and deploy Anthos Service Mesh to expose our cluster services.


Per my previous article, you should have already installed all the tools necessary to create a private GKE cluster with private endpoint.

Start build

Just like the previous article, start the build process using the menu script.

# pull project from github
# git clone https://github.com/fabianlee/gcp-gke-clusters-ingress.git
cd gcp-gke-clusters-ingress

# show build steps

Continue build using menu actions

In the previous article, you got as far as creating the private GKE cluster with the “privgke” action.

Continue down the menu actions to install ASM and then a sample app to test our public exposure.

kubeconfig       Select KUBECONFIG kubeconfig-ap-pub-10-0-91-0
k8s-register     Register with hub and get fleet identity
k8s-scale        Apply balloon pod to warm up cluster
k8s-ASM          Install ASM on cluster
k8s-certs        Create and load TLS certificates
k8s-helloapp     Install hello apps that will be exposed by LB
k8s-lb-tcp       Deploy Ingress Gateway and internal TCP LB
k8s-lb-https     Deploy public and internal HTTPS LB
k8s-curl         Run curl to test public and private hello endpoints

Select “std-prv-10-0-100-0” for the “kubeconfig” action, since we are working on the private GKE cluster.

It can take 5+ minutes for the GCP HTTPS LB to create itself and be ready for testing, so attempt “k8s-curl” multiple times before assuming failure.

Internal TCP LB

In addition to the services being exposed to the public via the HTTPS LoadBalancer, we also created an internal TCP LoadBalancer.

The internal TCP LB is meant for internal services that, for example, should only be exposed to employees or those on the corporate Intranet. Example could be the Kubernetes dashboard, Prometheus web interface, or perhaps a custom Adm Web UI.



google, load balancer types

google, exposing service mesh apps through gke ingress

google, Anthos Service Mesh

ssorato, networking.gke.io/v1beta1.FrontendConfig: lb-http-to-https

alwaysupalwayson, GCP LB and Cloud Armor