
Prometheus: installing kube-prometheus-stack on a kubeadm cluster

The kube-prometheus-stack bundles the Prometheus Operator, monitors/rules, Grafana dashboards, and AlertManager needed to monitor a Kubernetes cluster. But there are customizations necessary to tailor the Helm installation for a Kubernetes cluster built using kubeadm. In this article, I will detail the necessary modifications to deploy a healthy monitoring stack on a kubeadm cluster.

Prometheus: external template for AlertManager html email with kube-prometheus-stack

The kube-prometheus-stack bundles AlertManager for taking action on Prometheus alerts. And if you are customizing the Heml custom values file to configure email alerting, there are multiple options available.  The simplest is to allow the system to fallback to using the default subject and html templates. But if you need to tailor the email content Prometheus: external template for AlertManager html email with kube-prometheus-stack

Prometheus: exposing Prometheus/Grafana as Ingress for kube-prometheus-stack

The kube-prometheus-stack bundles Prometheus, Grafana, and AlertManager for monitoring a Kubernetes cluster. By default, the Ingress of these services is disabled.  In this article I will show you how to expose these services with NGINX Ingress either via subdomain (e.g. or web context (e.g. my.domain/prometheus). You would not want to expose these monitoring applications Prometheus: exposing Prometheus/Grafana as Ingress for kube-prometheus-stack

Prometheus: installing kube-prometheus-stack on K3s cluster

The kube-prometheus-stack bundles the Prometheus Operator, monitors/rules, Grafana dashboards, and AlertManager needed to monitor a Kubernetes cluster. But there are customizations necessary to tailor the Helm installation for K3s, a lightweight Kubernetes installation. In this article, I will detail the necessary modifications to deploy a healthy monitoring stack on a K3s cluster.