
Kubernetes: running a mail container for testing email during development

If you are in the development lifecycle and need to quickly test email functionality, you can deploy the codecentric/mailhog image directly within Kubernetes.  It will receive all email regardless of address, and from its web interface show you all the email that has been received. In this article, I will show you how to deploy Kubernetes: running a mail container for testing email during development

Ubuntu: Testing authenticated SMTP over TLS/SSL

SMTP mail relays exposed to the internet typically use a combination of SSL and authenticated SMTP to avoid abuse by malicious actors. This is an excellent choice from a security perspective, but makes smoke testing a bit more complex than just opening telnet.

Sending SMTP Mail from Windows Using PowerShell

When working from the Windows command line, you can do a quick test to validate your SMTP connectivity using PowerShell:   c:\> Powershell -executionpolicy bypass PS c:\> Send-MailMessage –to <TO> –from <FROM> –subject “testing123” –body “this is a test” –smtpserver <SMTPServer> -port 25 And if the mail server is accessed over TLS/SSL with SMTP authentication Sending SMTP Mail from Windows Using PowerShell