
Kubernetes: HorizontalPodAutoscaler evaluation based on Prometheus metric

HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) allow you to dynamically scale the replica count of your Deployment based on basic CPU/memory resource metrics from the metrics-server.  If you want scaling based on more advanced scenarios and you are already using the Prometheus stack, the prometheus-adapter provides this enhancement. The prometheus-adapter takes basic Prometheus metrics, and then synthesizes custom API Kubernetes: HorizontalPodAutoscaler evaluation based on Prometheus metric

Java: Adding custom metrics to Spring Boot Micrometer Prometheus endpoint

If you have enabled Actuator and the ‘micrometer-registry-prometheus’ dependency in your Spring Boot application, then you will have a new ‘/actuator/prometheus’ web endpoint that returns general information about threads, garbage collection, disk, and memory. This information is delivered in standard prometheus formatting as plaintext, with one metric per line. This is exactly the type of Java: Adding custom metrics to Spring Boot Micrometer Prometheus endpoint

Zabbix: Accessing Zabbix using the py-zabbix Python module

The open-source Zabbix monitoring solution has a REST API that provides the ability for deep integrations with your existing monitoring, logging, and alerting systems. This fosters development of community-driven modules like the py-zabbix Python module, which is an easy way to automate Zabbix as well as send/retrieve metrics.

ELK: Installing MetricBeat for collecting system and application metrics

ElasticSearch’s Metricbeat is a lightweight shipper of both system and application metrics that runs as an agent on a client host.  That means that along with standard cpu/mem/disk/network metrics, you can also monitor Apache, Docker, Nginx, Redis, etc. as well as create your own collector in the Go language. In this article we will describe installing ELK: Installing MetricBeat for collecting system and application metrics

Grafana: Connecting to an ElasticSearch datasource

The ElasticSearch stack (ELK) is popular open-source solution that serves as both repository and search interface for a wide range of applications including: log aggregation and analysis, analytics store, search engine, and document processing. Its standard web front-end, Kibana, is a great product for data exploration and dashboards.  However, if you have multiple data sources Grafana: Connecting to an ElasticSearch datasource