CloudFoundry: Monitoring the spring-music webapp, Part 5

Cloud Foundry is an opinionated Platform-as-a-Service that allows you to manage applications at scale. This article is part of a series that explores different facets of a Cloud Foundry deployment using the spring-music project as an example. This article is Part 5 of  a series on Cloud Foundry concepts: Deploying the spring-music webapp, Part 1 Persisting spring-music data CloudFoundry: Monitoring the spring-music webapp, Part 5

CloudFoundry: Logging for the spring-music webapp, Part 4

Cloud Foundry is an opinionated Platform-as-a-Service that allows you to manage applications at scale.  This article is part of a series that explores different facets of a Cloud Foundry deployment using the spring-music project as an example. This article is Part 4 of  a series on Cloud Foundry concepts: Deploying the spring-music webapp, Part 1 Persisting spring-music data CloudFoundry: Logging for the spring-music webapp, Part 4

CloudFoundry: Exploring Cloud Foundry using the spring-music application

Cloud Foundry is an opinionated Platform-as-a-Service that allows you to manage applications at scale.  It supports multiple infrastructure platforms (EC2, VMware, OpenStack), and is able to standardize deployment, logging,  scaling, and routing in a way that is friendly to a continuous delivery pipeline. In this series of articles, we will use the spring-music web application CloudFoundry: Exploring Cloud Foundry using the spring-music application

CloudFoundry: Scaling the spring-music webapp, Part 3

Cloud Foundry is an opinionated Platform-as-a-Service that allows you to manage applications at scale.  This article is part of a series that explores different facets of a Cloud Foundry deployment using the spring-music project as an example. This article is Part 3 of  a series on Cloud Foundry concepts: Deploying the spring-music webapp, Part 1 Persisting CloudFoundry: Scaling the spring-music webapp, Part 3

CloudFoundry: Persisting spring-music data using Postgres service, Part 2

Cloud Foundry is an opinionated Platform-as-a-Service that allows you to manage applications at scale.  This article is part of a series that explores different facets of a Cloud Foundry deployment using the spring-music project as an example. This article is Part 2 of  a series on Cloud Foundry concepts: Deploying the spring-music webapp, Part 1 Persisting CloudFoundry: Persisting spring-music data using Postgres service, Part 2

CloudFoundry: PCF Dev 0.28 for local development on Ubuntu

Update Jan 2019: The latest PCF Dev 2.x releases only support Windows/Mac and not Linux.  This article describes the older v0.28 PCF Dev is a distribution of Cloud Foundry that has a minimal footprint and is designed to run locally on a developer’s machine.  Using this lightweight distribution of Cloud Foundry, a developer can debug CloudFoundry: PCF Dev 0.28 for local development on Ubuntu

CloudFoundry: Deploying the spring-music webapp, Part 1

Cloud Foundry is an opinionated Platform-as-a-Service that allows you to manage applications at scale.  It supports multiple infrastructure platforms, and is able to standardize deployment, logging,  scaling, and routing in a way friendly to a continuous delivery pipeline. This article is Part 1 of  a series on Cloud Foundry concepts: Deploying the spring-music webapp, Part 1 CloudFoundry: Deploying the spring-music webapp, Part 1

HAProxy: Zero downtime reloads with HAProxy 1.8 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Systemd

This article has been updated in October 2018 and is now tested for HAProxy 1.8.14. The reload functionality in HAProxy till now has always been “not perfect but good enough”, perhaps dropping a few connections under heavy load but within parameters everyone was willing to accept. And because of the potential impact, a reload was HAProxy: Zero downtime reloads with HAProxy 1.8 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Systemd

HAProxy: Zero downtime reloads with HAProxy 1.8 on Ubuntu 14.04

This article has been updated in October 2018 and is now tested for HAProxy 1.8.14. The reload functionality in HAProxy till now has always been “not perfect but good enough”, perhaps dropping a few connections under heavy load but within parameters everyone was willing to accept. And because of the potential impact, a reload was HAProxy: Zero downtime reloads with HAProxy 1.8 on Ubuntu 14.04

Windows: Windows 2012 Sysprep for Vagrant readiness

Many developers like to use Vagrant from HashiCorp to standardize the workflow of virtual machines: creation, running, destroying, taking snapshots, etc.. Usually Vagrant is used for Linux hosts, but it also works with Windows as long as you prepare the template properly. In a previous article I went over the detailed steps to create a template image for Windows: Windows 2012 Sysprep for Vagrant readiness

Ubuntu: Standing up a Windows 2012 instance on Ubuntu using Sysprep

In the world of Linux containers where deployment takes on the order of seconds, even the best-case scenario for spinning up a new Windows host can seem like an eternity. Clearly, you don’t want to wait for the entire Windows install process each time you bring up a Windows guest OS.  Even automated, this would Ubuntu: Standing up a Windows 2012 instance on Ubuntu using Sysprep

Ubuntu: Testing authenticated SMTP over TLS/SSL

SMTP mail relays exposed to the internet typically use a combination of SSL and authenticated SMTP to avoid abuse by malicious actors. This is an excellent choice from a security perspective, but makes smoke testing a bit more complex than just opening telnet.

Ansible: Installing Ansible on Ubuntu 16.04

Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool that helps operations teams manage installation, patching, and command execution across a set of servers. In this article I’ll describe how to deploy the latest release of Ansible using pip on Ubuntu 16.04, and then perform a quick validation against a client.

Ansible: Managing a Windows host using Ansible

Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool that helps operations teams manage installation, patching, and command execution across a set of servers. Ansible was started as a Linux only solution, leveraging ssh to provide a management channel to a target server.  However, starting at Ansible 1.7, support for Windows hosts was added by using Powershell Ansible: Managing a Windows host using Ansible

Ansible: Installing Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04

Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool that helps operations teams manage installation, patching, and command execution across a set of servers. In this article I’ll describe how to deploy the latest release of Ansible using pip on Ubuntu 14.04, and then perform a quick validation against a client.

Zabbix: LLD low-level discovery returning multiple values

Zabbix low-level discovery (LLD) provides a way to create an array of related items, triggers, or graphs without needing to know the exact number of entities up front. The easiest way to populate the keys of a discovery item is to add a “UserParameter” in zabbix_agentd.conf, and then the Zabbix agent will  invokes a script which returns the set Zabbix: LLD low-level discovery returning multiple values

Docker: Visualizing image hierarchy and container dependency using dockviz

The Docker console commands for listing and viewing containers and images (ps, images, history, inspect) provides a wealth of information, but when you are managing hundreds of containers, a graph view of the container inventory and their dependencies can be critical for operations. Dockviz can help you visualize your containers and images by creating an PNG image Docker: Visualizing image hierarchy and container dependency using dockviz

GoLang: Running a Go binary as a systemd service on Ubuntu 16.04

Update Oct 2022: This article has now been written for GoLang 1.19 on Ubuntu 22.04.  Go has changed the way it handles SIGURG signals, and Systemd services no longer directly forward to syslog.  Read my newer article here. The Go language with its simplicity, concurrency support,  rich package ecosystem, and ability to compile down to a single GoLang: Running a Go binary as a systemd service on Ubuntu 16.04

ELK: Connecting to ElasticSearch with a Go client

ElasticSearch very often serves as a repository for monitoring, logging, and business data.  As such, integrations with external system are a requirement. The Go programming language with its convenient deployment binary and rich set of packages can easily serve as a bridge between these systems and the ElasticSearch server. We will use the olivere/elastic package for this purpose, it is ELK: Connecting to ElasticSearch with a Go client

GoLang: Running a Go binary as a SysV service on Ubuntu 14.04

The Go language with its simplicity, concurrency support,  rich package ecosystem, and ability to compile down to a single binary is an attractive solution for writing services on Ubuntu. However, the Go language does not natively provide a reliable way to daemonize itself.  In this article I will describe how to take a couple of simple Go language programs, GoLang: Running a Go binary as a SysV service on Ubuntu 14.04

GoLang: Glide for Go language package management

Downloading 3rd party packages from github is made very simple in the Go language with the import statement. But similar to other languages, the complexity of versions and inter-dependencies begs the use of a package manager for any projects that are non-trivial (think npm for Javascript, pip for Python, Maven for Java, etc.). Glide is a package manager for the Go GoLang: Glide for Go language package management

Zabbix: Zabbix REST API using a Go client

The open-source Zabbix monitoring solution has a REST API that provides the ability for deep integrations with your existing monitoring, logging, and alerting systems. This fosters development of community-driven modules like Ryan Day’s zabbix Go language package, which is an easy way to automate Zabbix tasks like creating hosts and manipulating other back end structures. One of the nice things Zabbix: Zabbix REST API using a Go client

GoLang: Installing the Go Programming language on Ubuntu 14.04

The Go programming language has gotten considerable momentum, and the fact that it compiles down to machine code has made it popular in containers like Docker where a single executable binary fits the execution model perfectly. This article will detail installation on Ubuntu 14.04 with the standard hello world validation.

SaltStack: Installing a Salt Master on Ubuntu 14.04

Configuration Management tools like SaltStack are invaluable for managing infrastructure at scale.  Even in the growing world of containerization where immutable image deployment is the norm, those images need to be built in a repeatable and auditable fashion. This article will detail installation of the SaltStack master on Ubuntu 14.04, with validation using a single Minion.  Note that Minion SaltStack: Installing a Salt Master on Ubuntu 14.04

ELK: Installing Logstash on Ubuntu 14.04

Logstash provides a powerful mechanism for listening to various input sources, filtering and extracting the fields, and then sending events to a persistence store like ElasticSearch. Installing Logstash on Ubuntu is well documented, so in this article I will focus on Ubuntu specific steps required for Logstash 2.x and 5.x.

ELK: Using Ruby in Logstash filters

Logstash has a rich set of filters, and you can even write your own, but often this is not necessary since there is a out-of-the-box filter that allows you to embed Ruby code directly in the configuration file. Using logstash-filter-ruby, you can use all the power of Ruby string manipulation to parse an exotic regular expression, ELK: Using Ruby in Logstash filters

Zabbix: Accessing Zabbix using the py-zabbix Python module

The open-source Zabbix monitoring solution has a REST API that provides the ability for deep integrations with your existing monitoring, logging, and alerting systems. This fosters development of community-driven modules like the py-zabbix Python module, which is an easy way to automate Zabbix as well as send/retrieve metrics.

Docker: logspout for Docker log collection

Docker log collection can be done using various methods, one method that is particularly effective is having a dedicated container whose sole purpose is to automatically sense other deployed containers and aggregate their log events. This is the architectural model of logspout, an open-source project that acts as a router for the stdout/stderr logs of other containers. If you do Docker: logspout for Docker log collection

Ubuntu: logrotate for retention policy of logs

Log rotation is an essential maintenance task for managed servers.  The logrotate package available in the main Ubuntu repository is easily configurable and is invoked by the cron service for automated log retention.