Docker: Running a Spring Boot based app using docker-compose

Docker Compose gives us the ability to define services,  ports, volumes, and networks in a single file.  This  file provides a convenient and unified view into what would otherwise be a long list of docker commands. In this article, you will run the Spring Boot based spring-music app in a Docker container using docker-compose.

Docker: Using docker-compose to link a MongoDB server and client

Docker Compose gives us the ability to define and orchestrate multiple containers in order to construct a service.  In this article, we will use Docker Compose to create a MongoDB server and then another container that is used exclusively as a MongoDB client. While it is entirely possible to manually create these containers, links, and Docker: Using docker-compose to link a MongoDB server and client

MongoDB: Installing a MongoDB client on Ubuntu

In order to communicate with MongoDB using its default TCP protocol on port 27017, you will need a MongoDB client.  There are many language bindings available, but in this article we’ll focus on the client available from the “mongodb-org-shell” Debian package.

Docker: Base image when deploying a GoLang binary in a container

Update Oct 2020: multi-stage builds now provide a standard way to leverage a fat build image, while allowing your published image to remain small.  This article is still useful for comparing base image sizes. GoLang applications are a great architectural fit for a Docker container because of their single binary executable. But you need to Docker: Base image when deploying a GoLang binary in a container

GoLang: Installing the Go Programming language on Ubuntu 16.04

Update: For the latest version of this article compatible with Ubuntu 22.04 and Go 1.19, see my newer article here. The Go programming language has gotten considerable momentum, and the fact that it compiles down to machine code has made it popular in containers like Docker where a single executable binary fits the execution model perfectly. This article GoLang: Installing the Go Programming language on Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu: Resizing Nautilus window after it has been maximized

If you have issues with the Nautilus default file browser window not being resizable after it has been maximized, first try holding down “alt” while holding down the mouse button and dragging inside the window. If that does not work, you can use “wmctrl” from the console to fix the issue.

Java: Spring Boot application as a service using SysV on Ubuntu 14.04

Although in modern architectures you typically see Spring Boot executable jars running as the primary process of a container, there are still many deployment scenarios where running the jar as a service at boot time is required. With Ubuntu 14.04, we can use SysV to run a Spring Boot application at boot time.   This will Java: Spring Boot application as a service using SysV on Ubuntu 14.04

Java: Spring Boot application as a service using systemd on Ubuntu 16.04

Although in modern architectures you typically see Spring Boot executable jars running as the primary process of a container, there are still many deployment scenarios where running the jar as a service at boot time is required. With Ubuntu 16.04, we can use the built-in systemd supervisor to run a Spring Boot application at boot Java: Spring Boot application as a service using systemd on Ubuntu 16.04

CloudFoundry: Extracting Java multiline exception stack traces from Logback and Log4j2 using Logstash

Cloud Foundry deployed Java applications can send log events to stdout/stderr and then a bound syslog drain can send this to a logging solution like ELK for ingestion. One area that has always been tricky when dealing with logging is multi-line Java stack traces.  By default, because each line in the stack trace has a CloudFoundry: Extracting Java multiline exception stack traces from Logback and Log4j2 using Logstash

ELK: Installing Logstash on Ubuntu 16.04

Logstash provides a powerful mechanism for listening to various input sources, filtering and extracting the fields, and then sending events to a persistence store like ElasticSearch. Installing Logstash on Ubuntu is well documented, so in this article I will focus on Ubuntu specific steps required for Logstash 6.x on Ubuntu 16.04.

Java: Collapsing multiline stack traces into a single log event using Spring backed by Logback or Log4j2

The two most common logging implementations used in conjunction with Spring/Spring Boot are Logback and Log4j2. In the recent past, a developer had a great deal of discretion on the format and files used for logging.  But in the modern world of container deployment and scale, these logs typically feed enterprise logging solutions which requires Java: Collapsing multiline stack traces into a single log event using Spring backed by Logback or Log4j2

CloudFoundry: Deploy Cloud Foundry locally using BOSH Lite on Ubuntu

Update Jan 2019: Now using CredHub instead of ‘–vars-store’ (which will be deprecated in CF 3) Even if you are developing a service or application that will ultimately be deployed to a private Cloud Foundry instance, having a local CF instance for development work is still an ideal development workflow. There is a local CF CloudFoundry: Deploy Cloud Foundry locally using BOSH Lite on Ubuntu

CloudFoundry: Beyond the maintenance page, delivering a response during service unavailability

For most Cloud Foundry applications and services, you can avoid downtime for maintenance with a combination of following best practices for 12 factor app development and taking advantage of Cloud Foundry’s scaling and flexible routing to implement Blue-Green deployment. But there will still be times where an application, service, or shared backend component does not CloudFoundry: Beyond the maintenance page, delivering a response during service unavailability

CloudFoundry: Using Blue-Green deloyment and route mapping for continuous deployment

One of the goals of Continuous Deployment (CD) is an automated deployment and patching process.  And as your  organization becomes more efficient at deployment and velocity increases, you want to ensure that availability is maintained while keeping risk to a minimum. Cloud Foundry supports route mapping that allows you to stand up a new live CloudFoundry: Using Blue-Green deloyment and route mapping for continuous deployment

Java: Loading self-signed, CA, and SAN certificates into a Java Keystore

The JRE comes preloaded with a set of trusted root authorities, but if you are working with self-signed certificates, or SAN server certificates that were signed using your own Certificate Authority then you are going to need to add these certificates to your trusted keystore. If your Java application attempts to communicate via TLS to Java: Loading self-signed, CA, and SAN certificates into a Java Keystore

Ubuntu: Creating a self-signed SAN certificate using OpenSSL

There are numerous articles I’ve written  where a certificate is a prerequisite for deploying a piece of infrastructure. This article will guide you through generating a self-signed certificate with SAN (Subject Alternative Name) and SAN wildcard entries, replacing the deprecated usage of CN=<FQDN>. In addition to the operational benefits of managing SAN, it is also Ubuntu: Creating a self-signed SAN certificate using OpenSSL

Ubuntu: Creating a trusted CA and SAN certificate using OpenSSL

There are numerous articles I’ve written  where a certificate is a prerequisite for deploying a piece of infrastructure. This article will guide you through creating a trusted CA (Certificate Authority), and then using that to sign a server certificate that supports SAN (Subject Alternative Name).  Operationally, having your own trusted CA is advantageous over a Ubuntu: Creating a trusted CA and SAN certificate using OpenSSL

Postfix: Forcing a reprocess of the pending queue

Postfix is a open source mail transfer agent.  If communication the upstream mail relay is disrupted, email will build up in the pending mail queue until the root cause is resolved.

Maven: Installing a private Maven repository on Ubuntu using Apache Archiva

An essential part of the standard build process for Java applications is having a repository where project artifacts are stored. Artifact curation provides the ability to manage dependencies, quickly rollback releases, support compatibility of downstream projects, do QA promotion from test to production, support a continuous build pipeline, and provides auditability. Archiva from the Apache Maven: Installing a private Maven repository on Ubuntu using Apache Archiva

Java: Using XMLAdapter to process custom datatypes using JAXB

JAXB provides a framework for two-way binding between XML and Java structures, making it easy for developers to serialize and deserialize their XML into Java objects. Decorating a class with @XmlElement and @XmlAttribute annotations is all it usually takes to build a rich domain model from XML, but sometimes you get into a situation where Java: Using XMLAdapter to process custom datatypes using JAXB

Java: Determining the Java version used to compile a class, ‘class file has the wrong version’

If a Java class file is compiled with a higher supported version than is currently being run, you will get the ‘bad class file’, ‘class file has the wrong version XX.0, should be XX.0’ error message. For example, if the .class file was compiled as a Java 1.8 class file on a Jenkins continuous integration Java: Determining the Java version used to compile a class, ‘class file has the wrong version’

Java: Using Maven from the console for running classes, unit tests, checking dependencies

In this short article, I’ll provide some Maven commands that I’ve found helpful.   Run single class from src/main/java mvn exec:java -Dexec.args=”myarg1 ‘my second arg’ myarg3″ Run unit test from src/test/java, all methods decorated with @Test mvn test Run unit test from src/test/java, only methods decorated with @Test and that start with ‘testDatabase’ Java: Using Maven from the console for running classes, unit tests, checking dependencies

Ubuntu: Testing the official released kernel patches for Meltdown CVE-2017-5754

The Meltdown vulnerability affects Intel and some ARM (but not AMD) processor chips and can allow unprivileged access to memory in the kernel and other processes. Canonical has committed to kernel patches to address this issue and they are now available from the both the updates and security official Ubuntu repositories. In this article, I’ll step through patching an Ubuntu: Testing the official released kernel patches for Meltdown CVE-2017-5754

Ubuntu: Testing the first candidate kernel patches for Meltdown CVE-2017-5754

The Meltdown vulnerability affects Intel and some ARM (but not AMD) processor chips and can allow unprivileged access to memory in the kernel and other processes. Canonical has committed to kernel patches to address this issue by January 9, 2018 and the first candidate kernel patches have now been released for Xenial and Trusty LTS. UPDATE Jan 11 Ubuntu: Testing the first candidate kernel patches for Meltdown CVE-2017-5754

Ubuntu: Testing the KAISER kernel patch for Meltdown CVE-2017-5754

The Meltdown vulnerability affects Intel and some ARM (but not AMD) processor chips and can allow unprivileged access to memory in the kernel and other processes.  Canonical has committed to kernel patches to address this issue by January 9, 2018. A paper coming out of Graz University of Technology in Austria and written by Daniel Gruss, Moritz Lipp, Michael Ubuntu: Testing the KAISER kernel patch for Meltdown CVE-2017-5754

Ubuntu: Determine system vulnerability for Meltdown CVE-2017-5754

The Meltdown vulnerability affects Intel and some ARM (but not AMD) processor chips and can allow unprivileged access to memory in the kernel and other processes.  Canonical has committed to kernel patches to address this issue by January 9, 2018. If you need to check your system, or perhaps have already patched your systems but want to Ubuntu: Determine system vulnerability for Meltdown CVE-2017-5754

Ubuntu: Determine system vulnerability for Spectre CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753

The Spectre vulnerability affects Intel, AMD, and ARM processor chips (each to various degrees) and can allow unprivileged access to memory in the kernel and other processes.  Canonical has committed to kernel patches to address this issue by January 9, 2018. If you need to check your system, or perhaps have already patched your systems Ubuntu: Determine system vulnerability for Spectre CVE-2017-5715 CVE-2017-5753

CloudFoundry: Enabling Java JMX/RMI access for remote containers

Enabling the use of real-time JVM monitoring tools like jconsole and VisualVM can be extremely beneficial when troubleshooting issues.  These tools work by enabling a JMX/RMI communication channel to the JVM. These are typically thought of as local development tools, but they can also be used on remote CF containers running Java.  In this article, CloudFoundry: Enabling Java JMX/RMI access for remote containers

CloudFoundry: Java thread and heap dump analysis on remote containers

Java thread and heap dumps are valuable tools for troubleshooting local development,  but they can also be used on remote CF containers running a JVM.  In this article, we’ll go through various method of gathering this data from a Cloud Foundry container and then tools for analyzing this data. Now matter how uniform your environments, CloudFoundry: Java thread and heap dump analysis on remote containers