
GCP: Cloud Run/Function to handle requests to GKE cluster during maintenance

At some point, there will be a system change significant enough that a maintenance window needs to be scheduled with customers.   But that doesn’t mean the end-user traffic or client integrations will stop requesting the services. What we need to present to end-users is a maintenance page during this outage to indicate the overall solution GCP: Cloud Run/Function to handle requests to GKE cluster during maintenance

CloudFoundry: Beyond the maintenance page, delivering a response during service unavailability

For most Cloud Foundry applications and services, you can avoid downtime for maintenance with a combination of following best practices for 12 factor app development and taking advantage of Cloud Foundry’s scaling and flexible routing to implement Blue-Green deployment. But there will still be times where an application, service, or shared backend component does not CloudFoundry: Beyond the maintenance page, delivering a response during service unavailability

CloudFoundry: Using Blue-Green deloyment and route mapping for continuous deployment

One of the goals of Continuous Deployment (CD) is an automated deployment and patching process.  And as your  organization becomes more efficient at deployment and velocity increases, you want to ensure that availability is maintained while keeping risk to a minimum. Cloud Foundry supports route mapping that allows you to stand up a new live CloudFoundry: Using Blue-Green deloyment and route mapping for continuous deployment

HAProxy: Zero downtime reloads with HAProxy 1.8 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Systemd

This article has been updated in October 2018 and is now tested for HAProxy 1.8.14. The reload functionality in HAProxy till now has always been “not perfect but good enough”, perhaps dropping a few connections under heavy load but within parameters everyone was willing to accept. And because of the potential impact, a reload was HAProxy: Zero downtime reloads with HAProxy 1.8 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Systemd

HAProxy: Zero downtime reloads with HAProxy 1.8 on Ubuntu 14.04

This article has been updated in October 2018 and is now tested for HAProxy 1.8.14. The reload functionality in HAProxy till now has always been “not perfect but good enough”, perhaps dropping a few connections under heavy load but within parameters everyone was willing to accept. And because of the potential impact, a reload was HAProxy: Zero downtime reloads with HAProxy 1.8 on Ubuntu 14.04