
Kubernetes: Using Downward API metadata from a GoLang application

In a previous post, I described the Kubernetes Downward API and how it allows us to inject pod/container metadata into our runtime container. In this article, I’ll show how you can read the environment variables and mounted files from inside a containerized GoLang based application.

Kubernetes: Using Downward API metadata from a Python application

In a previous post, I described the Kubernetes Downward API and how it allows us to inject pod/container metadata into our runtime container. In this article, I’ll show how you can read the environment variables and mounted files from inside a containerized Python based application.

Bash: Using shell or environment variables in awk output

If you are in the middle of a text processing pipeline, and need to insert a shell or environment variable into the output of awk, you can use the “-v” flag. Here are two files containing animal classifications: $ echo -e “shark=fish\ndolphin=mammal” > ocean.txt $ echo -e “dog=mammal\neagle=bird” > land.txt By passing the loop variable Bash: Using shell or environment variables in awk output