
GitLab: automated build and publish of multi-platform container image with GitLab pipeline

GitLab CI/CD pipelines can be used to automatically build and push Docker images to the GitLab Container Registry. Beyond building a simple image, in this article I will show how to define a workflow that builds and pushes a multi-platform image (amd64,arm64,arm32) with manifest index to the GitLab Container Registry.  This is enabled by using GitLab: automated build and publish of multi-platform container image with GitLab pipeline

Helm: automated publishing of Helm repo with Github Actions

In a previous article, I described how to expose a Github source repo as a public Helm repository by enabling Github Pages and running the chart-releaser utility. In this article, I want to remove the manual invocation of the chart-releaser, and instead place that into an Github Actions workflow that automatically publishes changes to the Helm: automated publishing of Helm repo with Github Actions

Helm: manually publishing Helm repo on Github using chart-releaser

The only requirement for a public Helm chart repository is that it exposes a URL named “index.yaml”.   So by adding a file named “index.yaml” to source control and enabling Github Pages to serve the file over HTTPS, you have the minimal basis for a public Helm chart repository. The backing Chart content (.tgz) can also Helm: manually publishing Helm repo on Github using chart-releaser

Github: automated build and publish of multi-platform container image with Github Actions

Github Actions provide the ability to define a build workflow based on Github repository events.  The workflow steps are defined as yaml and can be triggered by various events, including a code push, branch, or tagging in the repository. In this article, I will show how to define workflow steps that build and push a Github: automated build and publish of multi-platform container image with Github Actions

Github: automated build and publish of containerized GoLang app with Github Actions

Github Actions provide the ability to define a build workflow based on Github repository events.  The workflow steps are defined as yaml and can be triggered by various events, including a code push, branch, or tagging in the repository. In this article I will detail the steps of creating a statically-linked GoLang binary that when Github: automated build and publish of containerized GoLang app with Github Actions

Github: automated build and publish of containerized Spring Boot app using GitHub Actions

Github Actions provide the ability to define a build workflow directly in Github.  The workflow steps are defined as yaml and can be triggered by various events, including a code push, branch, or tagging in the repository. In this article I will detail the steps of creating a simple Spring Boot web application that when Github: automated build and publish of containerized Spring Boot app using GitHub Actions