
KVM: creating and reverting libvirt external snapshots

Update July 2021: I have seen errors with external snapshots of volumes on versions of QEMU/KVM/libvirt from Ubuntu 20 Focal.  Adding note on using internal snapshot on volume backed by qcow2.   Internal snapshots created on QEMU copy-on-write (qcow2) disks are the most commonly used snapshot when using libvirt.  It is easy to see why; KVM: creating and reverting libvirt external snapshots

CloudFoundry: The lifecycle of a simple BOSH release

BOSH is a project that unifies release, deployment, and lifecycle management of cloud based software. Software to be deployed via BOSH is called a release, and in this article I will use a very simple release to illustrate how to create, deploy, version, and revert these releases.