Ansible: accessing a fact from a different host using cached facts

When orchestrating a playbook against multiple hosts, you may need to pull facts from one host in order to feed those values to another host.  For example, a database master may need to provide its IP address to its many replicas, or a CA certificate from a controller may need to be distributed among its members.

By default, facts are cached in-memory for the duration of the playbook run.  This idea can be leveraged to distribute information from one host to another using the Ansible special ‘hostvars’ variable.

# save IP address of Ansible orchestrator
- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: yes
    - set_fact:
        hostvm_ip: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
    - debug: msg="The localhost default IP is {{hostvm_ip}}"

# IP address now available to other hosts, pulled from in-memory cache
- hosts: all
    - debug: msg="The ansible orchestrator default IP was {{hostvars['localhost']['hostvm_ip']}}"

Here is a link to playbook-cached-facts.yml, the playbook that exercises the snippet above.



ansible docs, caching facts