
Gradle: running more than one command in an Exec task

A Gradle Exec task will only run the last ‘commandLine’ defined inside its block.  Putting multiple entries inside its block will not run multiple commands. As an example, if you run the following Gradle task. task willOnlyRunLast(type: Exec) { commandLine “echo”, “first” commandLine “echo”, “second” commandLine “echo”, “last” } The task above will only echo Gradle: running more than one command in an Exec task

Java: build OCI compatible image for Spring Boot web app using jib

While working on your Spring Boot web application locally, gradle provides the ‘bootRun’ for a quick development lifecycle and ‘bootJar’ for packaging all the dependencies as a single jar deliverable. But for most applications these days, you will need this packaged into an OCI compatible (i.e. Docker) image for its ultimate deployment to an orchestrator Java: build OCI compatible image for Spring Boot web app using jib

Java: Creating Docker image for Spring Boot web app using gradle

While working on your Spring Boot web application locally, gradle provides the ‘bootRun’ for a quick development lifecycle and ‘bootJar’ for packaging all the dependencies as a single jar deliverable. But for most applications these days, you will need this packaged into an OCI compatible (i.e. Docker) image for its ultimate deployment to an orchestrator Java: Creating Docker image for Spring Boot web app using gradle