
GCP: pushing GKE images into gcr.io to avoid pull rate limits

Docker hub now enforces pull rate limits (since November 2020).  And unfortunately, this limit is often reached at critical moments such as upgrades or infrastructure events when bulk pod recreation is happening. One way to avoid this problem is to place your images into an alternate image registry.  This could mean a lot of work GCP: pushing GKE images into gcr.io to avoid pull rate limits

Kubernetes: testing pod communication directly from istio sidecar proxy

Once you introduce an istio sidecar proxy into your deployment, it becomes another point at which you might need to troubleshoot network connectivity to the primary container. Assuming you have deployed a pod with an app label “helloworld” in the default namespace listening on port 5000, you can use a command like the following to Kubernetes: testing pod communication directly from istio sidecar proxy

Git: Contributing to a git project using a pull request

With so many critical projects available in public git repositories like github, it is important to be able to contribute back additional functionality, tests, and documentation to the original project.  While most projects do not allow a direct commit, contributions can be made by submitting a pull request to original repository. Often times, repositories are Git: Contributing to a git project using a pull request