Ansible: extracting a list or dictionary from a complex data structure

If you have a complex JSON data structure or perhaps an array of rich data structures as the result of module output, you may want to extract this into a workable list or dictionary you can take action on.

For this article, I will emulate the resulting output from the ‘stat‘ module when it checks for file existence using ‘with_fileglob’.   What is returned is an array of deeply nested values that simplified can be represented like below:

      - item: /tmp/a.txt
          exists: true
      - item: /tmp/b.txt
          exists: false
      - item: /tmp/c.txt
          exists: true

Use ‘map’ to extract just the paths as an array.

- set_fact:
    exist_list: "{{ ( my_json_structure.results | map(attribute='item') )  }}"
- debug: msg="{{ exist_list }}"

# output looks like
"msg": [

Use  ‘dict’ and ‘zip’ to create a simple map where the key and value are the same.

- set_fact:
    exist_map_simple: "{{ dict( exist_list | zip(exist_list) ) }}"
- debug: msg="{{ exist_map_simple }}"

# output looks like
"msg": {
  "/tmp/a.txt": "/tmp/a.txt",
  "/tmp/b.txt": "/tmp/b.txt",
  "/tmp/c.txt": "/tmp/c.txt"

Use ‘json_query’ and ‘combine’ to create a map where they key is the path and the value is whether the file existed.

- set_fact:
  exist_map: "{{ exist_map|default({}) | combine( {item.item : item.stat.exists} ) }}"
  with_items: "{{ my_json_structure | json_query('results[*]') }}"
- debug: msg="{{ exist_map }}"

# output looks like
"msg": {
  "/tmp/a.txt": true,
  "/tmp/b.txt": false,
  "/tmp/c.txt": true

The full playbook can be found on my github, datastructure-to-dict.yml

The use of json_query requires the ‘jmespath’ python module and ‘community.general’ Ansible Galaxy module.

# required pip module
pip3 install jmespath

# 'community.general'
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

Or via Ansible like below.

- name: ensure jmespath is installed to support json_query filter
  become: yes
    name: jmespath

- name: install community.general collection from ansible galaxy
    cmd: ansible-galaxy collection install community.general




ansible, filters

middlewareinventory, json_query combine and with_items technique, ansible filter and map, using combine to merge hashes


Here is the ouput that ‘my_json_structure’ emulates

- stat:
   path: "{{item}}"
 register: complex_results
 with_fileglob: "/tmp/*"
- debug: msg="{{complex_results}}"