
CloudFoundry: Enabling Java JMX/RMI access for remote containers

Enabling the use of real-time JVM monitoring tools like jconsole and VisualVM can be extremely beneficial when troubleshooting issues.  These tools work by enabling a JMX/RMI communication channel to the JVM. These are typically thought of as local development tools, but they can also be used on remote CF containers running Java.  In this article, CloudFoundry: Enabling Java JMX/RMI access for remote containers

Grafana: Connecting to a Zabbix datasource

Zabbix is an open-source monitoring solution that provides metrics collection, dynamic indexes, alerting, dashboards, and an API for external integration.  But graphing is arguably one Zabbix’s weak points; it still builds static images while other enterprise and consumer applications have set end users’ expectations for graph visualization and interactivity very high. Luckily, the Zabbix plugin Grafana: Connecting to a Zabbix datasource