Istio: Upgrading from Istio 1.7 operator without revision to fully revisioned control plane

Istio 1.7 has the ability to do canary upgrades for revisioned control planes and operators, but if you did your initial installation without the ‘revision’ flag, then you’ll need to apply these settings. In this article, I will show you how to go from an non-revisioned 1.7.5 Istio operator and control plane to a 1.7.5 Istio: Upgrading from Istio 1.7 operator without revision to fully revisioned control plane

Istio: Upgrading from Istio 1.6 operator without revision to 1.7 fully revisioned control plane

Istio has the ability to do canary upgrades for revisioned control planes, but it was only in 1.7 that the Operator itself got  support for the ‘revision’ flag. In this article, I will show you how to go from an non-revisioned 1.6.6 Istio operator and control plane to a 1.7 revisioned operator and control plane Istio: Upgrading from Istio 1.6 operator without revision to 1.7 fully revisioned control plane

Kubernetes: pulling out the ready status of individual containers using kubectl

kubectl will give you a sythesized column showing how many container instances in a pod are READY with the default ‘get pods’ command.  But if you are dealing with json output and need this information, then you can extract it using jsonpath or jq. Here is an example output from ‘get pods’ showing the READY Kubernetes: pulling out the ready status of individual containers using kubectl

Kubernetes: adding and removing pod template annotations using kubectl

Although ‘kubectl annotate‘ will set an annotation on a  object directly, it will not set the annotation on the more deeply nested pod template for a Deployment or Daemonset. If you want to quickly set the annotation on a pod template (.spec.template.metadata.annotations) without modifying the full manifest, you can  use the ‘patch‘ command.  As a Kubernetes: adding and removing pod template annotations using kubectl

Kubernetes: K3s with multiple Istio ingress gateways

By default, K3s uses the Traefik ingress controller and Klipper service load balancer to expose services.  But this can be replaced with a MetalLB load balancer and Istio ingress controller. K3s is perfectly capable of handling Istio operators, gateways, and virtual services if you want the advanced policy, security, and observability offered by Istio. In Kubernetes: K3s with multiple Istio ingress gateways

Kubernetes: K3s with multiple metalLB endpoints and nginx ingress controllers

Updated March 2023: using K3s 1.26 and MetalLB 0.13.9 By default, K3s uses the Traefik ingress controller and Klipper service load balancer to expose services.  But this can be replaced with a MetalLB load balancer and NGINX ingress controller. But a single NGINX ingress controller is sometimes not sufficient.  For example, the primary ingress may Kubernetes: K3s with multiple metalLB endpoints and nginx ingress controllers

Bash: accepting a remote host fingerprint with ssh-keyscan

For security reasons, you should be very aware that accepting a remote host fingerprint automatically is a procedure that should be considered high-risk. But if you are working with automated infrastructure or pipelines where human intervention is not possible and the constructed entities are being built in a secure fashion with guaranteed provenance, then ssh-keyscan Bash: accepting a remote host fingerprint with ssh-keyscan

Kubernetes: Anthos GKE on-prem 1.4 on nested VMware environment

Update Dec 2021: I have written an updated version of this article for vCenter 7.0U1 and Anthos 1.8. Anthos GKE on-prem is a managed platform that brings GKE clusters to on-premise datacenters.  This product offering brings best practice security measures, tested paths for upgrades, basic monitoring, platform logging, and full enterprise support. Setting up a Kubernetes: Anthos GKE on-prem 1.4 on nested VMware environment

Terraform: creating an Ubuntu 20 Focal template and then guest VM in vCenter

In this article I will demonstrate how to create an Ubuntu 20 Focal template in vCenter.  Then use Terraform to create a vSphere VM based on this template. The VM template creation is done by manually stepping through an installation using the minimal Ubuntu server ISO followed by a set of preparation steps. Then Terraform Terraform: creating an Ubuntu 20 Focal template and then guest VM in vCenter

Bash: find most recently modified files

Needing to find the most recently modified files in a directory is a pretty common need.  Luckily the find utility has flags to easily explore a directory recursively and list recently modified files. If you want to find modified files within ‘N’ days ago from the current directory. # files within the last 24 hours Bash: find most recently modified files

Kubernetes: microk8s with multiple Istio ingress gateways

microk8s has convenient out-of-the-box support for MetalLB and an NGINX ingress controller.  But microk8s is also perfectly capable of handling Istio operators, gateways, and virtual services if you want the advanced policy, security, and observability offered by Istio. In this article, we will install the Istio Operator, and allow it to create the Istio Ingress Kubernetes: microk8s with multiple Istio ingress gateways

Kubernetes: microk8s with multiple metalLB endpoints and nginx ingress controllers

Out-of-the-box, microk8s has add-ons that make it easy to enable MetalLB as a network load balancer as well as an NGINX ingress controller. But a single ingress controller is often not sufficient.  For example, the primary ingress may be serving up all public traffic to your customers.  But a secondary ingress might be necessary to Kubernetes: microk8s with multiple metalLB endpoints and nginx ingress controllers

Bash: cloning the ownership and permissions of another file using reference

If you need to create a file that has the exact same ownership and permission bits as an existing file, the ‘reference’ flag provides a convenient shortcut. For example, if you had a file named ‘myoriginal’ that had the exact ownership and permissions required for a new file ‘mynewfile’, you could use the commands below Bash: cloning the ownership and permissions of another file using reference

Kubernetes: microk8s cluster on Ubuntu using terraform and libvirt

microk8s is a lightweight Kubernetes deployment by Canonical that is enterprise-grade, yet also compact enough to run on development boxes and edge devices. In this article, I will show you how to deploy a  three-node microk8s cluster on Ubuntu nodes that are created using Terraform and a local KVM libvirt provider. This article focuses on Kubernetes: microk8s cluster on Ubuntu using terraform and libvirt

KVM: installing Terraform and the libvirt provider for local KVM resources

Terraform is a popular tool for provisioning infrastructure on cloud providers such as EC2 and Azure, but there is also a provider written for local KVM libvirt resources. Using the libvirt provider, we can use standard Terraform constructs to create local VMs, networks, and disks.  And unlike older versions of this provider, the plugin binary KVM: installing Terraform and the libvirt provider for local KVM resources

Ansible: Ubuntu alternatives using the community.general collection

In a previous article, I showed how to manually setup Alternatives so that different versions of a binary could co-exist on a target machine. In that step-by-step example, we used the Terraform binary as an example, and placed two independent versions in /usr/local/bin, and then set the priority so that terraform14 was preferred. To do Ansible: Ubuntu alternatives using the community.general collection

Git: cloning a git repository from one location to another

Most Git providers-as-a-service have administrative functions for renaming, moving, and even importing repositories from other provider URLs. However, it is also valid to perform these operations manually by repointing the origin and then pushing all commits and tags to a new repository URL. # make sure all changes are pushed first git push # check Git: cloning a git repository from one location to another

Ansible: implementing a looping block using include_tasks

Ansible blocks provide a convenient way to logically group tasks.  So it is unfortunate that native Ansible syntax does not allow looping to be combined with a block.  Consider the simple conditional block below controlled by a variable ‘do_block_logic’: – name: simple block with conditional block: – name: simple block task1 debug: msg=”hello” – name: Ansible: implementing a looping block using include_tasks

Bash: using printf to display fixed-width padded string

One way to implement character padding in Bash is to use printf and substring extraction.  This can be especially useful in reports or menu display. Given a $padding variable that contains the maximum length of characters, you can subtract out the length of a display string like below. # length of maximum padding padding=”………………………………..” printf Bash: using printf to display fixed-width padded string

Ansible: unzipping an encrypted file using the unarchive module

If you need to expand an encrypted zip file using the Ansible unarchive module, then you will need to provide the password using the ‘extra_opts’ parameter. Per below, make sure you place the “-P” flag as an independent argument to the password. – name: unzip encrypted zip unarchive: src: dest: /remote/path extra_opts: – “-P” Ansible: unzipping an encrypted file using the unarchive module

Docker: building an ntp server image with Alpine and chrony

If you need a lightweight NTP server, an Alpine based container image with a chrony daemon takes up minimal runtime resources and is about 8Mb in size. I have pushed ‘fabianlee/docker-chrony-alpine‘ to docker hub.  The run command requires that you specify linux capabilities and a volume for the chrony.conf file, so the easiest way to Docker: building an ntp server image with Alpine and chrony

Ansible: installing the latest Ansible on Ubuntu

Update Sep 2023: Installing ansible-core at user level (not system) with pip Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool that helps operations teams manage installation, patching, and command execution across a set of servers. In this article I’ll describe how to install the latest release of Ansible.

Terraform: provisioning GCP servers in both public and private subnets

It is relatively straightforward to create a GCP public subnet where the compute instances have access to the public internet via the default internet gateway. But once you start building private subnets behind it, you must start considering firewall, routing, and the NAT gateways required to reach public services. In this article, I will use Terraform: provisioning GCP servers in both public and private subnets

Terraform: provisioning AWS servers in both public and private subnets

It is relatively straightforward to create an AWS public subnet where the compute instances have access to the public internet via the default internet gateway. But once you start building private subnets behind it, you must start considering security groups, routing, and the NAT gateways required to reach public services. In this article, I will Terraform: provisioning AWS servers in both public and private subnets

Terraform: provisioning an RDP enabled Windows server in Azure

The ‘azurerm‘ Terraform provider allows you to build a Windows server in Microsoft’s Azure hyperscaler. However, in order to use this provisioner, you must first install the Azure CLI. And in line with automation best practices we will use a Service Account (Principal) to create the networks, security rules, and compute instances. When complete, you’ll Terraform: provisioning an RDP enabled Windows server in Azure

Terraform: installing Terraform manually on Ubuntu

Terraform is a popular tool for provisioning infrastructure on cloud providers such as EC2, Azure, and GCP.    If you want to install Teraform on Ubuntu using apt-get, follow HashiCorp’s standard installation document. However, I find that I often need multiple versions for different projects.  Find your desired version of the binaries at the Terraform download Terraform: installing Terraform manually on Ubuntu